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How to choose a good company name?

Finding the right name for your startup can significantly impact your success. Using the wrong name can do worse than failing to connect with customers; it can also result in insurmountable business and legal hurdles. In contrast, a recognizable, mighty name can benefit your marketing and branding efforts. A study showed that firms with easier pronunciations earned more than firms with tricky names.

Valuable tips that will help to name your company

  • pick a name that is simple and short
  • avoid names that give a wrong first impression
  • it should be easy to spell and pronounce
  • you don't need to have SEO in mind. Focus on its remarkable brand.
  • don't limit yourself to adding local places to your company name
  • avoid using your name for risky ventures
  • try to stand out from company names in the same industry
  • test the name to potential customers

Once you find a company name, make sure and ...

  1. Check if no one else owns or uses the name.
  2. Check if the domain name is still available.

Do some Google research and see if the name is already in use. Also, check the Cyprus Company Register for similar names (

For international businesses, we recommend getting the .com domain.

Name submission at

You can submit up to two company name suggestions during the setup process. The second name is a fallback in case the company registry rejects your first company name approval.

To ensure submissions are successful, your tax advisor will review them, too. But in the end, it's the registrar who approves the company name.