How can we help?

Why does my company need tax administration and audits?

According to the International Accounting Standards regulations, directors of a Cyprus company are required to prepare financial statements. On top of that, Cyprus companies conducting business activities within Cyprus also must have their financial accounts audited by accredited auditors.

For your company to comply with all the rules and to meet the accounting regulations, it is common in Cyprus to hire an accountant.

Accounting and auditing can quickly become a cost trap. Unsuspecting foreigners are gladly asked to pay for any activity, no matter how small. Typical are cheap bait-and-switch offers when setting up a company, only to cash in later with overpriced and long-term gagging contracts for accounting and auditing.

These experiences of friends in Cyprus led, among other things, to the founding of On the one hand, we want to make incorporating a company in Cyprus as easy as possible. On the other hand, we want to keep you and our Community away from the bad actors.

Back to the good things: Our Tax Administration & Audit Package

So we looked in our circle of friends to determine which recommended accountants and tax consultants are inexpensive and trustworthy. Unfortunately, none of them was remarkably affordable.

We had to invest much time and effort to negotiate an attractive and modular tax administration and audit package for our Community.

The result: Your expenses always remain predictable, and our partners are protected from abuse of goodwill while our platform helps them automate many repetitive tasks. This way, we created a win-win situation, which is also reflected in the pricing.

You are not trapped in long-running contracts and have complete transparency.

Our Tax Administration and Audit package has a term of only one year. You can easily switch to another provider because you always have online access to all your documents.

See our pricing.